Saturday, February 4, 2012


You’ve seen her on ‘Shake It Up,’ and you’ve blasted their single ‘Bubblegum Boy’ non-stop.  For Bella Thorne andPia Mia, the ride has only begun.  We got to chat with the duo, (and we must say, they were energetic!) so check out our interview below!
Fanlala: Bella, You credit Texas Instruments as the big break for your career.  What did the company have you do?
Bella Thorne: It was a commercial, ten commercials, and I had to do two sets of them.  One of them was shot all in Canada.  There was an elephant named George on the set, he was really cute.  Everyone thinks that he was green screened, but he wasn’t!  It was definitely different.  It was hard to fill my lines, because it was hard to get George to look at the camera!

F: Pia, if you could choose one onscreen project for you and Bella to work on, what would you two want to do?

Pia Mia: A music video would definitely be a lot of fun.  Fans have been asking for a video for ‘Bubblegum Boy,’ so we’ve wanted to do something like that.

F: Your song ‘Bubblegum Boy’ is a huge hit, both online and on Radio Disney.  A question for you both - what is your favorite flavor of bubble gum, or candy in general?

BT: Dubble Bubble is my favorite gum.  I love chewing the kind that you can blow really big bubbles with.  The normal kind gives me headaches, so I prefer watermelon flavored gum!

PM: Definitely the regular gum flavor, and my favorite candy is Twix!  Ooooh!  And Milky Ways.  They give them to me on set all the time!

F: Bella, we know you spend a lot of time on both coasts.  Either LA or New York.  What would you say are the best parts of both cities?

BT: In New York it’s the honesty of people.  If they don’t like you out there, they’ll tell you straight up.  I just love New York, walking down the streets is really fun.  You can get two-dollar hot dogs, and the fashion out there is exquisite.  And LA is just clean - all my friends are here.  I’ve got Pia and Zendaya!

F: Do the two of you have any Disney memories from when you grew up together?

BT: When I was growing up, my sister’s room was Disney themed.  I was looking at pictures when I was younger, and I look like an unhappy baby, but I have had wonderful Disney experiences, and I’m named after Belle from ‘Beauty and the Beast!’

PM: My Disney memory was Cinderella from third grade.  I tried out for Cinderella with a bunch of other people in my class and I got the part of Cinderella.  It’s that part that got me started in singing!
Each week, you can vote for ‘Bubblegum Boy’ to be number one on Radio Disney.  They totally get our votes.  We wish you the best girls!

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