Thursday, January 3, 2013

OK! Exclusive.

OK!: How are you spending the holidays?
Bella Thorne: I'm with my family, Tristan's family, and all of our friends in Lake Tahoe. There's SNOW!!!
OK!: What are your New Year's Eve plans?
Bella Thorne: We will still be in Lake Tahoe. We will have a family party and I brought a dress, but I am not sure if I will be able to wear it—it's VERY cold here!
OK!: What's your favorite holiday movie?
Bella Thorne: How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
OK!: What about song?
Bella Thorne: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree, which I got to cover this year on the Disney Christmas album. I was so excited!

OK!: What was the best present you received this Christmas?
Bella Thorne: My Ipad mini!
OK!: What did Tristan get you?
Bella Thorne: He bought me a sweet white-gold bracelet with a cross on it. He is very Catholic!
OK!: What did you give everyone?
Bella Thorne: I gave my mom Chanel perfume and I got Tristan a bike! I got lots of presents for Kingston and I bought my brother some clothes and both of my sisters received shoes.
OK!: What's your NYE resolution?
Bella Thorne: I am going to join a gym so I can work out with my mom and spend some alone time with her. I am going to be more involved in charity and in my community. I am also going to work on becoming a better singer...well continue to work on it as I am regularly now.
OK!: We saw you tweeting about helping out at the LA Mission over the holiday, why was it important to you to give back?
Bella Thorne: It is very important to give back to your community. I have known what it is like to struggle after my dad died and now I am so thankful for everything I have—I want to share that with my community.
OK!: What was the best part of that experience?
Bella Thorne: The best part was the kids' faces when they received the toys. That look alone made this the best Christmas for me.

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